Primary opening times

Primary school times

The Primary school day begins at 8.30am, children begin the day with daily thaleem and remembrance of Allah swt.


8.30- 8.45


08:45 – 08.55

Lessons Begin (core subjects)

08.55 – 10.10


10.10 – 10.25

Lessons (core subjects)

10.25- 11.45


11.45 – 12.45

Lessons (Foundation subjects)

12.45- 15.00

Every lesson begins and ends with prayer and arrangements are made for all pupils to pray during the day. The promotion of our Islamic faith is a key element in all parts of the school day.

*Pupils should be in school for 8.25

*Salaah time will differ in the winter months

* Children that are consistently late will be dealt with appropriately