Secondary Curriculum

Secondary Curriculum

At Madni Academy we want our girls to achieve the best they possibly can, stretching each individual and adding value to their education.

Adaptable and flexible, the Madni Secondary Academy curriculum prepares girls for the challenges and opportunities which lie ahead, through a broad range of academic experiences which deliver a wide-ranging set of values and skills suitable for the world in which they live.

Whilst we take into account the requirements of the National Curriculum, we are not restrained by following it to the letter.

Our curriculum is enriched by the emphasis placed on creativity and by offering additional subjects such as Urdu.

Teaching groups range in size from around 15 to 26 allowing girls to be known and supported well throughout their Madni journey.

Through our curriculum at Madni Academy we aim to provide a learning experience which develops our pupils in body, mind and spirit. It is our intention to enable each learner to take her place as a responsible young person in society. At Key Stage 3 pupils study a wide range of subjects: English, Mathematics, Science, Information Technology, Textiles and Technology: Home Economics), Modern Languages (Urdu) History, Religious Studies, Tarbiyah, PRSHCE, Art and Physical Education.

At Key Stage 4 pupils are able to study up to ten GCSE subjects, with Art, English Language and Literature, Mathematics, Science, Business studies, Religious Studies, History and Urdu. To ensure that everyone learns at a pace which is appropriate, pupil are placed in ability groups from the beginning of year 9 onwards. These are continually kept under review through our termly tracking systems. We are working towards a more personalized curriculum for pupils; with different course options available for pupils who require extra support.

Madni Academy is quickly developing a tradition of academic excellence and the value added to our pupils from Key Stage 2 to Key stage 4 is on the increase. Pupils are expected to behave well, to work hard and to contribute to everyone’s learning in lessons. See below for the curriculum map for KS3 and KS4.

Please see below for our full curriculum policy.