Student Shura

Student Shura (student council)

Madni Academy places importance on the ‘student voice’ it is for this purpose that the Student Shura (Student Council) was established, this provides the pupils with a sense of ownership of the school and helps reinforce a strong Islamic ethos.

Student elections are held in the Autumn term each year, pupils take to ballot boxes to vote for their class representative.

Student Shura meetings are held once every half term.

Some of the achievements of our primary and secondary student shura are:-

Primary Shura

Fundraising for a class pet

Fundraising project for playground toys

Organising fundraising for a shelter for Syrian refugees with Al Imdaad charity

Organising a ‘bring your pet day into school day ‘for the primary children

Secondary Shura

Designing school logo

Consulting on new school uniform

Gathering pupil views on school lunches

Acting as consultants for the HT- gathering pupil views on a variety of developments in the school

Organising fundraising for a shelter for Syrian refugees with Al Imdaad charity