Partnership with Parents

Partnership with Parents

School leaders pride themselves on working closely with parents and carers. Because of these strong relationships and high expectations of pupils, the school rarely has instances of negative behaviour (Ofsted )

At Madni Academy we put a lot of emphasis on parental involvement in their child’s education. Educational research shows the beneficial effects it has. A positive partnership between the school and parents, with active parental involvement, helps students’ personal, academic and spiritual development during their vital years in school.

Parents are as important as teachers in:

  • monitoring learning – regularly discussing learning, homework and attainment with their child
  • fostering values and good character – supporting their child’s personal development and encouraging them to develop a positive character
  • supporting organisation – helping their child to be organised for success, by having all the right equipment and uniform and by being in the right place at the right time
  • Motivating and raising aspirations – motivating their child and encouraging them to fulfil the potential with which they have been blessed.

We believe that our partnership approach to working with parents plays a big part in our success. Our commitment to pastoral care and to ensuring that every student gets personal attention means that parents can be assured that their child will flourish in our safe and secure learning environment.

Home-school agreement

All parents and carers are asked to sign a home–school agreement. This clearly states our commitment to their daughter. It also sets out what we expect in return, in terms of commitment, attendance and behaviour.

Regular communications

An effective partnership is dependent upon good communication and we are committed to regular, accurate, useful communications with parents.

We welcome parents contacting the school and do all we can to help with your questions and enquiries. This website is updated regularly and is the main source of news and information about the school. As well as this we have:


We produce regular newsletters to keep our students, staff and parents updated on school life. We have 3 newsletters every term; one for each of our three schools; to access the newsletters please visit the relevant section of the website

Class Dojo

The school uses Class Dojo to communicate with parents on a regular basis all communication including letters home will be uploaded to this app. Class Dojo is used by the school to remind parents of important information and deadlines; these include revision classes or parent consultations that their child should attend. We also send messages to let parents know when we send a letter home with their child. If the school needs to remain closed (e.g. due to snow), we will send  message by 7.30am in the morning and will also message if the school needs to close early for any reason.

Class Dojo  is a quick and easy way to provide key information to parents in a timely manner. It is therefore important that parents provide the school with a preferred mobile phone number/email address  and update us of any changes.

Communicating Progress

Student success is achieved through robust and aspirational target setting and close tracking of progress at all levels – supported by real-time attainment, attendance and behaviour data. In order to keep parents informed of their child’s progress and behaviour and attendance, the school will organise:


Settling in meeting with the parent as the child starts school; this is used to share information about your child with their key worker to enable them to make a settled start to the setting.

Parent consultation- meeting where your child’s progress is discussed. Your child’s key worker will also advise you to best to support your child at home.

Written Report/Achievement record

These are written documents evidencing your child’s progress in each of the ELG’s, which will contain your child’s work as well as photographs showing your child’s learning journey at the setting.

Primary and Secondary School

  • A one-to-one meeting with the form tutor or class teacher in the first half term to talk you through the school’s expectations, procedures and processes and to allow you to share any concerns or ask any questions.
  • A parents’ evening in the first term of to meet individual teachers and other staff who support each child’s learning.
  • A parents’ evening in the final term to review progress and set targets.
  • Performance review meeting with a senior leader term to review each child’s progress, if their levels/grades are below nationally expected averages.

We expect all mums to attend the parents’ consultations to which they have been invited.

Student Planners

All students (primary and secondary) are given a Student Planner at the beginning of each school year. It includes a record of homework being set and a section for the student to record their academic levels and targets. Class teachers/form tutors sign planners on a weekly basis and parents should use the planner to write messages to school. Parents are expected to check and sign the planner every week.

The planner is a formal document and students are expected to look after their planner with the upmost care and respect.

Concerns or Complaints

Each child’s welfare is the responsibility of all of our staff. The school is committed to listening to parents’ concerns and handling them in a sensitive way. Heads of Year should be contacted in the first instance. A member of the Senior Leadership Team can be approached if parents are still dissatisfied. It is always the aim of the school to resolve issues and concerns informally but a school Complaints Policy exists for parents who feel that any issues have not been satisfactorily addressed. You can download the complaints policy here or it can be obtained from the School’s Administration Office.

The Complaints Policy can be obtained from the policies section of the website or from the school’s Administration Office.

Visiting the School

During a normal working day all visitors, including parents, should report to Reception, where visitors will be requested to sign in upon arrival, and sign out when leaving. Visitors must wear a visitor badge. Visitors will be directed to the appropriate offices, or asked to wait in the reception area until the member of staff has been notified of their arrival. Visitors wishing to meet individual members of staff are requested to make appointments beforehand.

Parent Questionnaires

We value parent views to help us develop the school further and consult with parents regularly. In addition we ask parents to complete questionnaires on an annual basis to gather their views on the provision we offer. We take on board their suggestions on how to improve the services we offer. To view the results of last year’s parental survey please click the link below;

Parent Forum

As part of our home-school partnership, we want parents to be actively involved in the life of the school so that they can help us make the right decisions for their daughter. We hold parent forum meetings on a termly basis with the parents of each of our 3 schools. We use the opportunity to inform parents about events taking place as well to gather feedback on areas of development around the schools. It is an opportunity for parents to voice their views and to have an active involvement in the schools development. All mums are encouraged to attend the meetings.